Out-Loud & In-Person: Exhibit B Live Reading

I forgot how wonderful it is to share creative space! For a brief, shining moment in November, we were out there!

Grateful Gratitudes!

  • Robin Reid Drake’s curation: thoughtful and great to work with; fabulous host!

  • Guild Complex and Exhibit B folks were all responsive and collaborative. Shout out to James Stewart for such supportive communication!

  • Appreciation for the other artists that showed up and shared their gifts! rexy la femme was a queer after my own heart putting their heart on their sleeve and singing! Just lovely! Kemi Alabi’s offering included incisive, powerful imagery, unflinching and hopeful at once.

A Few Notes About Community…

  • Friends and family in-person! In-person is a whole different vibe and nurtures my spirit in a particular way. Particular thanks to my kiddos for coming and listening to my poems about how hard parenting is!

  • Being able to share the recording with friends and family who didn’t make it due to distance, disability, or timing - such a good feeling to keep that circle wide. It also was great to hear from friends that they were able to catch the livestream. Each part of connection patches us back together, reinforcing our thinning, frayed fabric of community. We have GOT to keep doing hybrid, y’all!


Guest Author for ‘Braver/Wiser’


Save the Date: 11/12/21…